Top 5 Video List: Counting from 1 to 5

Here is this week’s video list from ESL Review, featuring online videos of counting from 1 to 5. 

Just a note, all videos that appear here have been uploaded to YouTube by their creators (so they are unlikely to be deleted). And if you know of any better ones, please link to them in the comments section. I’d love to know what other teachers like to use. 

ESL Review’s Top 5 Video List: Counting from 1 to 5

5. 5 Dogs, 5 Bones by Sesame Street

This is a very charming animation that just draws you in and gets children and adults alike counting along. One little girl I teach thought the last dog (spoiler alert!) was very clever to have dug up the bone out of the ground.

4. Counting 1 to 5 Song by Dream English Kids

Matt of Dream English Kids has made the list again with his very soothing voice and hand actions. Truth be told, though, it was the Dad dance mid-way through that really clinched it.

3. LET’S COUNT 1 2 3 by Pancake Manor

The first time I watched this I remember thinking that Reggie (the purple fellow in the video) reminded me of this retired air force colonel I knew. He was a great guy but he had this glass eye that creeped me out (since it was fixed and never moved). Anyway, a great counting song for kids with cute characters.

2. Seven Steps from Super Simple Songs

I’ve written elsewhere about this great song from the good people at Super Simple Learning, but I just had to include it on this list (even though it goes to 7). My four-year-old students can NEVER get enough of it, and must have either heard the CD or watched the video a hundred thousand times. This one set of twin girls constantly beg me to play the “one two three song” whenever I step into class.

1. Feist sings 1,2,3,4 by Sesame Street

I am a huge fan of using Sesame Street selectively in the classroom, and I must confess to having had watched this video at least a dozen times on my own time (much to my wife’s annoyance). But hey, it’s not just me. One of my four-year-old boys applauded loudly after we finished watching this in class for the first time the other day. He and the other children were utterly entranced by Feist and counted along with her. You can never go wrong with a couple dozen Muppets singing about the number four.

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